Sunday, February 17, 2008

Como poner comentarios en el codigo Php

PHP soporta el estilo de comentarios de 'C', 'C++' y de la interfaz de comandos de Unix. Por ejemplo:



echo "Esto es una prueba"; // Esto es un comentario de una linea al estilo c++

/* Esta es una linea de un comentario multilíneas

Esto es otra linea de un comentario multilinea */

echo "Esto es otra prueba";

echo "Y esto otra prueba mas"; # comentario tipo shell de unix




<h1>Esto es un <?php # echo "simple";?> ejemplo.</h1>

<p>El encabezado de arriba dice 'Esto es un simple ejemplo'.

Hay que tener cuidado con no anidar comentarios de estilo 'C', algo que puede ocurrir al comentar bloques largos de código.




echo "esto es una prueba"; /* Este comentario puede causar problemas */



Los estilos de comentarios de una linea comentan hasta el final de la linea o del bloque actual de código PHP, lo primero que ocurra. Esto implica que el código HTML tras // ?> será impreso: ?> sale del modo PHP, retornando al modo HTML, el comentario // no le influye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don’t have anything to lose but much to win. You will realize that is something truly ingenious-efficient, and it will make you gain many Euros or dollars and it only costs 6 EUROS or 6 U.S. DOLLARS, and that is not nothing compared if you spend your time and sacrifice.
YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY… IT SPENDS 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME AND YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS REALLY WORKS AND BESIDES IS LEGAL. I was visiting by the groups (GOOGLE, YAHOO, ALTAVISTA, ETC.) When I saw an article that said something to secure fast money. "WELL”, I said myself , I have to see what type of scheme they can show in Internet". This article described the way how to send by MAIL 1 BILL OF EURO or 1 DOLLAR AMERICAN TO 6 PEOPLE AND ONLY GAIN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN 4 WEEKS.
Well, at the most I thought about this I was more anxious. it seemed one swindles But it was peculiar, so I continued reading. After meditating I decided to try it.
It Really cost only 6 Euros or 6 dollars and 6 seals of mail, I have spent buying the lottery and I have never won more. This is not a swindle; this is not indecent, this is not illegal; and it is 99% free of risk, It really works if you take the instructions, you will receive extraordinary profits.
Now you will be part of the business of the mail lists. In this business your product is not solid, no tangible, is a service. You are in the business of the development of the mail lists (Mailing lists).The main intention of this letter is convince you that this is honest, legal and extremely profitable system and also a form to obtain excellent income in a very short period of time. Also, this system has fulfilled its natural cycle, It means, It has verified its effectiveness and with excellent results. Also, this system doesn’t require contact physicist with people, it doesn’t require of a heavy or difficult work, and the best thing: You would not have to leave your house except to take the mail. This is a program of ELECTRONIC SUPPORT that is useful world-wide platform of Internet, which guarantees its operation in an excellent form. The 100% OF THE TIMES. Thousands of people have resorted to this letter to obtain good capitals and to initiate its own one business. Basically, it becomes possible through a chain that is for thousands of people and which will also be made reality for you only with your collaboration. For that reason I recommend you TO FOLLOW CAREFUL and EXACTLY the INSTRUCTIONS OF THIS LETTER, this is 100% insurance and you won’t regret to read this article and using it...SHARE MONEY AND RECEIVE FAST MONEY… BY MAIL. THIS REALLY WORKS.
STEP 1: Obtain 6 white sheets of paper and write the following thing: “PLEASE INCLUDE MY NAME IN YOUR LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or E-MAIL" Or in Spanish “POR FAVOR INCLUYEME EN TU LISTA DE CONTACTOS O AGREGAME A TU E-MAIL, It depends about the language of the person. Then, you have to write your name, address and electronic mail (email). And like a pretty detail also put in which POSITION appeared each name of the people when you sent your DOLLAR OR EURO (ex: “You were in the slot 3" or “Tu estabas en la posicion numero 3”, making it complete. That one is, to make money and fun at the same time, everything with good will. Now you have to fold this one page where you have wrote the previous thing, around the bill of 1 Euro or the bill of 1 dollar American, you don’t have to send checks nor another type of payments, only Euros or American Dollars. Put everything in 1 envelope and send to each of the 6 listed people, remember is 1 envelope per person, the idea to fold the paper around the Euro is to assure that it is going to arrive at the destiny and THAT IT IS IMPORTANT. If you don´t do this the people who works in the mail could detect that is money and to remain with the THOUSANDS of ENVELOPES that you have to receive; so that is recommended to surround everything, Additionally, wrap a dark paper or coal paper to avoid see that is money through the envelope. You are creating a service and it does COMPLETELY LEGAL. From now you are not sending 1 EURO or 1 Dollar to some person without any reason; you are paying 1 EURO or 1 Dollar by a legitimate service. Immediately, you send the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:
1. Ricardo Portillo Arteaga
Calle Gonzalo de Berceo Nº 52 piso 2º letra B, código postal 26005,
Logroño - La Rioja, España.

2. Javier Piñeros Barreto
Carrera 72 No 62 f 33 sur, manzana 2 entrada 3 apto 102, Urbanización
Calabria, Bogota Colombia.

Apartado postal: 243003
Palmira - Valle Del Cauca - Colombia

4. Alexander Castro
David, Chiriquí, Rep. de Panamá
Código Postal 0426
Entrega General de Correos

5. Mauricio Mora Cerón
Calle 1 No. 1-50E
Choachí Cundinamarca Colombia

6. Xavier Andres Pastor Valverde
Ciudadela Abel Gilbert 3 manzana B8 Villa 18 Durán- Guayaquil, Ecuador

STEP 2: Read with attention, this is the form of how you are going to receive Money by mail. See the list of the SIX people, delete all the #1 of the list of above, and add your personal information at the end of the list, the #2 is 1 now, the #3 is #2, the #4 is # 3, and the #5 will be #4,etc. and you will be #6. Include your name, adress, postal code, city, state and country.

STEP 3: Change everything that you think of this article, but try to maintain like this because this is the original. Now put your article at least in 200 NEWSGROUP, also called Discussion Forums or Group of News (there are more than 24,000 groups). You only need 200, If you put more in more web-sides, guestbooks, news, you would receive more money. Here some indications of how introducing in the NEWSGROUP.
HOW TO MANAGE THE NEWSGROUP: First, you don´t need to write all this letter again to do the yours own one. Only put your cursor of mouse at the beginning of this letter and drags towards underneath way that all the text is " covered". Later, it presses keys CTRL+C, of this form is in the memory of your computer. Then, open an application (NOTEPAD), Wordpad or MsWord. Then, once time opened anyone of these applications place the cursor at the beginning of Ms Word and press CTRL+P, and you will already have this letter and you will be able to add your name and direction in #6 following the instructions previously explained. Keep this letter in your Pc with your changes in a new file of application. THAT´S EVERYTHING. Everything that you must do is to be in different sides like " newsgroups" , forums, classified, or announcements free,or announcement free, etc. In order to arrive to them.
To find them put these terms: newsgroup, forums of discussion, classified, announcements free or guestbooks; and they will appear thousands of pages. You don´t forget to publish all the announcement or letter but with YOUR NAME in position 6, disappearing 1; when you have practice only would take about 30 seconds by each newsgroup. I recommend, in addition, when you publish the description this article try to put a name that " catch the attention" , as, DO YOU NEED FAST MONEY? , READ THIS ARTICLE; or " MONEY TO PAY YOUR DEBTS? " , "DOWNLOAD THIS ARTICLE AND READ HOW YOU CAN RECEIVE MONEY BY MAIL" etc. and never put "1 MILLION PER WEEK" , because Nobody believes it and is not seriously. REMEMBER, IF YOU HAVE MORE NEWSGROUP YOU WILL OBTAIN MORE ANSWERS (AND MONEY)! BUT YOU MUST ENTER IN 200 AT LEAST.
AND IT´S READY! You will be receiving money worldwide,from unknown places, from unknown people and in a few days. MAINTAIN ALL THE CORRECT ADRESSES ** Now WHY of all this: of 200 sent announcements, For example We receive 5 answers (the lowest example).
Just 6 people respond, this does:
# 6: 6 Euros (Dollars)
# 5: 36 Euros (Dollars)
# 4: 216 Euros (Dollars)
# 3: 1.296 Euros (Dollars)
# 2: 7.776 Euros (Dollars)
# 1: 46.656 Euros (Dollars)

LAST STEP: And this is the step that I like more SIMPLY.. JUST SIT DOWN and when you have little money, just put this letter in the web-side in the same places where you are going to be now and new places that you will know in the future. Always keep a copy of this one article, USE IT whenever you need money.
Only a note more, if you know to translate all this message to others languages, you can put in forums of different countries like, France, Germany, Russia (I say this like advice to expand possibilities for more people).